The story of seed was a slow journey and it can be interpreted in many ways. Each and every group had their own opinion and own experience. Josiah was on team 6, and he had an exciting and amazing experience. He learned many things from just growing a simple cabbage plant. He learned the purpose of soil and nutrients they include. He understood why a plant needed so much special attention, and how many factors can effect the growth rate of the plant. Josiah was amazed with the study of competition and biotic and abiotic factors. He didn't know that plants had competition just like humans for jobs and other placements. Plants are effected by many factors like the temperature conditions, soil conditions, placement conditions, and the amount of light the plant needs. Josiah enjoyed working with his team they embarked many funny conversations but at the same time they worked quickly. In the end Josiah made deeper connections with the growing process. In the beginning Josiah thought the plant growing was simple and easy just a little bit of water and sunlight and there you go. Josiah was wrong and he thinks differently now he knows the process is very intense and these plants need special care. In the end I asked Josiah if he would ever consider planting again, he responded with "Yes plants are cool and amazing they are so extravagant!" He really liked the story of the seed experience he said it was great!