Friday, September 9, 2016

Brief Bio

My name is Genesis Fernandez. I am originally from California, San Jose. I was born here in 2002 with my mom, dad, my older brother, and with my youngest brother along the way. I have garden before but it wasn't quite a plant that was edible, it was more like just a normal plant. Additionally, I have garden a set of trees for my old elementary school and it was a blast! It made our school look more beautiful.

My lovely mother has been in love with plants, she grows them mostly in pots and she has grown some spearmint in a small piece of dirt in front of our apartment complex. She began with a little succulent and she placed it in front of our door. My mom has done many plantings and she has helped many of her friends plant herbs in their garden.  Gardening is something that will always be present in my life and it's nice watching plants grow and observing their nature. I especially love photosynthesis, I have done many science experiments on that specific topic. In general planting is cool and I'm really excited to continue analyzing this seedling project.

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