Thursday, February 16, 2017

Brassica Flower Dissection

An angiosperm is basically a flower plant and it makes seeds. In the certain parts of the plant like the anatomy contains ovules and pollen, which contain sex cells. Like any other sex cell it is produced by the process of meiosis. The pollen contains the sperms cells they are formed inside the anthers. The pollen transfers to the stigma of another plant and it goes under pollination. Then the sperm cell transfers down to the ovary where it fertilizes the ovules. Once that process is done one of the ovules will develop into seeds.

These yellow flowers are beautiful! They form an amazing part of the garden and they make the Brassica plants healthy.  These little flowers have an astonishing reproductive system, and they are known as angiosperms. What is an angiosperm you may ask? It consist of both male and female parts in the same organism.Which means that these flowers have the ability to reproduce on its own.

In this photo we are taking a look at the male reproductive anatomy. These are the anthers they hold an important role as well. They make the male gametes (sperm cells) and while examining the anthers they are loaded with pollen.

      In this photo we are looking at the female anatomy of the flower. If you look closely we are can identify this part as the carpel. The carpel is a stalk that is also called a style. At the top of the picture you can see the top called the stigma. Since the stigma is very sticky some pollen grains end up sticking on to the stigma.

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